Una and I had to get some work done this Sunday afternoon but didn't want to stay at home or go to either of our offices, so we packed up our laptops and headed off to iBrowse in Alhambra, one of our favorate coffee hangouts. We arrived to find ...
Articles by gjost
SliceHost -> Linode
The Sneakernet...
...is a series of shoes. <!-- SUMMARY_END -->
Snow on the San Gabriels
It's been cold and rainy here in Pasadena for the last couple dyas and the forecast is that it's gonna be that way through the end of the week. Last night as I walked back to Union Station on the way home the wind was whipping my umbrella ...
Solved: wacky Django translation errors
I've been seeing some really weird behavior on a multilingual Django site I'm finishing up. Most of the text would be fine, but form labels and help_text would display in the wrong language. They would all be in Japanese, no matter what language you viewed, for example, or ...
southern cali fires
The big news this past week has been The Fires, namely a huge fire north of Pasadena in the Angeles National Forest. Biggest in 100 years, they're saying. Our place is far enough away from any wilderness that it's not a problem for us, aside from bad air ...
spontaneity + money = irony, cynicism
I'm currently working on layouts for an exhibition site at the museum I work at, and which shall remain nameless. I'm a web developer, not a graphic designer. This means that somebody else comes up with the designs and I have to make them work as web pages ...
Spook Country
"Are you really so scared of terrorists that you'll dismantle the structures that made America what it is? ... If you are, you let the terrorist win. Because that is exactly, specifically, his goal, his only goal: to frighten you into surrendering the rule of law. That's why they ...
Standing desk
So there's been a lot of buzz recently about "standing desks". It started with an article in the NYTimes (I haven't looked for it but it's probably behind their new paywall) about the health risks of sitting all the time. Basically it shortens your lifespan. Soon after ...
Story time: A dwarf, sojourning in the Shire
My sincerest apologies to all my numerous readers. You must be highly disappointed to be without my insightful postings for such a long time. Prepare to be further disappointed -- I can't think of anything of my own to share with you today either. :P However, I would like to ...