It's been cold and rainy here in Pasadena for the last couple dyas and the forecast is that it's gonna be that way through the end of the week. Last night as I walked back to Union Station on the way home the wind was whipping my umbrella around something fierce.
Early this morning I heard really heavy rain on the roof. This morning as I waited for the train at Del Mar Station I got a treat - there is snow on the San Gabriel mountains just north of Pasadena. I haven't lived here long enough to know how unusual that is (who knows, maybe it happens all the time), but I thought it was unusual enough to snap this photo for your enjoyment.

Yeah, I know, all you Oregonians and Washingtonians are scoffing, but it's a treat for us down here in Southern Cali to actually get some weather once in awhile. <!-- SUMMARY_END -->