southern cali fires

The big news this past week has been The Fires, namely a huge fire north of Pasadena in the Angeles National Forest. Biggest in 100 years, they're saying. Our place is far enough away from any wilderness that it's not a problem for us, aside from bad air and ash all over our cars. It's made for several exciting evenings as we drove around watching the flames. We camped out for an hour south of JPL when the fires were close -- thankfully there wasn't any damage there. For awhile the fire was threatening regional TV and radio transmitters and the observatory on Mt. Wilson. The observatory webcam is currently offline (cable probably burnt or severed) and news is being reported from offsite, but it's looking okay for now. In addition to the smoke it's been really freakin' hot the last week. I can only imagine what it's been like for the firefighters (who totally rawk, I must say). But things are pretty much normal for us. If you're really interested in fire news, our local public radio station has an updates page.

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