I've just been reading that Hosni Mubarak has given up his position as President (dictator) or Egypt. It looks like VP-spook-and-generally-bad-guy Omar Suleiman is not taking his place. The military leader who is taking control stopped and spoke to the crowd before going into the presidential palace. Egypt is ...
Articles by gjost
lunar eclipse
So we have this once-in-500-year astronomical event tonight. Lunar eclipse on the longest night of the year. But it's pouring rain here in sunny southern cali. Oh well. Next time. <!-- SUMMARY_END -->
Oh. My. God. Magnificent. It's the second song from U2's latest album "No Line On The Horizon". It's an incredible song. It's an anthem. It breaks my heart and lifts me up at the same time. Lots of good stuff on this album. U2 hits a ...
MediaWiki Short URLs with Nginx
Merry Christmas!
Just a quick posting to remind all my many readers (and the friendly search engine robots) to have a very merry Christmas. Cheers! <!-- SUMMARY_END -->
My back loves the EeePC, and other thoughts
That's right, my back loves my new EeePC. I used to go to work every day with my 12in Powerbook in a shoulder bag. I ride the Gold Line and walk about 4-5 blocks between Union Station and Little Tokyo, and by the end my back hurt a bit ...
MyCPU, the S-100, and the Mountains of Pi
Today I stumbled across a link to Dennis Kuschel's MyCPU project.
I love the fact that this guy built his own freaking 8-bit computer that has a DOS-like operating system, disk and programming tools, networking, and a web server. He used what I take to be only parts that ...
Nonprofit == Startup?
I work for a non-profit, so I've always thought of my work as being apart from and unlike the business world. But lately I've been spending free time on Hacker News, a sort of moderated Reddit social bookmarking/news site sponsored by a venture capitalist firm. There are ...
"Peace" where there is no peace
My wife and I go to a "peace church". Specifically, a Mennonite USA church. It's called a peace church because Mennonites, along with several other denominations like Quakers and Amish, have historically refused to participate in war or other forms of violence. My grandfathers were both conscientious objectors during ...
Review: <em>Spin</em>, by Robert Charles Wilson
Spin is an end-of-the-world story. One night while childhood neighbors and friends Tyler, Jason, and Diane are outside looking at the night sky, all the stars disappear. The Earth has been surrounded by some sort of barrier that blocks out the starts and slows down time for everything inside it ...