I'm right in the middle of Neal Stephenson's new tome Anathem, and it's like Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy - it's making me wish I'd studied some kind of hard science or classics, and that I had a bunch of really geeky friends to hang ...
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The Beyonders Probably Run Linux
First off, this has nothing to do with the Marvel Comics Beyonder. I'm talking about the Beyonders from Iain M. Banks' awesome space-opera The Algebraist. You can read some excellent reviews elsewhere that will describe the story better than I can. Most of these focus on the Dwellers, which ...
Django 1.0
If you're plugged into the Django universe you've probably already heard it, but in case you haven't, Django reached 1.0 the other day. If you're not plugged in, or if you don't know what this Django thing is, it's the web application framework ...
Hisashiburi ya nen
Gosh it's been a long time since I posted anything. What's the point in having a blog if you're never gonna post anything? For me, it's as much about tinkering with the software as it is about the posting, but I haven't even done much ...
Ubuntu 8.04 released yesterday
FYI, the Ubuntu just released version 8.04 of their Linux distribution. I run Ubuntu on the servers and my desktop at work, and on my personal laptop, and I wholeheartedly recommend it. If you've heard that Linux is just for geeks, it's totally not true any more ...
Wish we could get some of this going down here in Southern Cali...
The Sneakernet...
...is a series of shoes. <!-- SUMMARY_END -->
Spook Country
"Are you really so scared of terrorists that you'll dismantle the structures that made America what it is? ... If you are, you let the terrorist win. Because that is exactly, specifically, his goal, his only goal: to frighten you into surrendering the rule of law. That's why they ...
The Liberal Media Conspiracy
I'm reading a couple articles that were mentioned in a Revolution in Jesusland posting about how young evangelical voters are not necessarily Republicans (thank God this is finally starting to happen!).
The ABC News article says that those interviewed for the story were at "a concert and a rally ...
Snow on the San Gabriels
It's been cold and rainy here in Pasadena for the last couple dyas and the forecast is that it's gonna be that way through the end of the week. Last night as I walked back to Union Station on the way home the wind was whipping my umbrella ...