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  1. Review: <em>Spin</em>, by Robert Charles Wilson

    Sat 18 April 2009
    By gjost

    Spin is an end-of-the-world story. One night while childhood neighbors and friends Tyler, Jason, and Diane are outside looking at the night sky, all the stars disappear. The Earth has been surrounded by some sort of barrier that blocks out the starts and slows down time for everything inside it ...

  2. The fixie of blog software

    Fri 17 April 2009
    By gjost

    Recently I stumbled across NewsBruiser, which runs Leonard Richardson's and a bunch of his friends' blogs. It's got this pleasing low-tech homebrew feel to it. I've been programming web applications for 10 years now. While my specialty is the back-end I can crank out a passable user ...

  3. Thinking Differently About Free Network Services

    Fri 17 April 2009
    By gjost

    Sometime in 2007 Tim O'Reilly started talking about applying free/open-source ideas to things besides software, like hardware, government data, personal data in web applications, etc. He had a great post about this around that time which I can't find at the moment, but if my memory serves ...

  4. Magnificent

    Wed 04 March 2009
    By gjost

    Oh. My. God. Magnificent. It's the second song from U2's latest album "No Line On The Horizon". It's an incredible song. It's an anthem. It breaks my heart and lifts me up at the same time. Lots of good stuff on this album. U2 hits a ...

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