leaving facebook...

That's right, I've left all my groups, deleted all my photos, and I'm going to be deleting my Facebook account pretty soon. It doesn't mean I don't like you, it just means that I'm tired of Facebook and its (lack-of-)privacy policies. Plus I'm kind of peeved by the whole idea of Facebook. I mean, we already have an Internet, why live inside a fake one?

I and a bunch of open-source free-software hackers are going to be exploring how to set up a decentralized and free social network, one with no big greedy corporation at the center holding all of our information. If you're interested, drop me a line and I'll keep you informed. And you can always follow me here on this site.

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identi.ca/jefurii: Identi.ca is an open-source distributed Twitter-like service/program/comunity-of-communities. <!-- SUMMARY_END -->