Kansai Time Out

Heard today the sad news that Kansai Time Out is publishing its final issue this month. n my previous life as a JET Programme English teacher in Nara prefecture, I carried a copy with me almost at all times. KTO wrote about local history, off-the-beaten-path places to visit, and all manner of things gaijin needed to know to get by in that strange land. Haven't read it in awhile (hard to find here in LA), but I still have a bunch of issues, and was sad to hear of its passing.

Shout-outs to the KTO crew for all those years of a great read! Happy trails to you all.

Readers' note: KTO is still selling the last couple years' back issues and the yen is right, so if you have fond memories of KTO, head on over there and Paypal an issue or two. <!-- SUMMARY_END -->