So Apple released a new computer yesterday. It looks like something from some flying-car-personal-jetpack future. The interface is really slick and it's probably a dream to use. I'm sure a ton of people are going to get one, and it probably represents something as profound as the Apple ][, the Macintosh, and the iPod in terms of how people interact with computers. Steve Jobs is most definitely a genius.
But it's also locked down like the iPhone. You can only install the programs that Apple wants you to be able to install, and which you get through Apple's own app store. It also turns people into passive consumers of software and media instead of potential creators.
I don't like being treated like a child. I want to be the one who decides what software I can run, and what I can do, on gadgets that I purchase. I want to be able to run unauthorized programs that I've written myself if I want to. In other words, I want full control over my gadgets in case I feel like exercising it. I'll be taking a pass on this one unless they change it into a real general-purpose computer.
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