The Django project released version 1.2, which brings along a slew of nifty new features including the ability to connect to multiple databases, and the "smart if tag", which any Djangonaut will appreciate.
In related news, one of my online homes Dreamhost, posted an entry to their blog yesterday announcing that they'd soon be upgrading to Django 1.2. A couple years ago I had such trouble getting Django to run on DreamHost that I left for SliceHost (and left them in turn for current host Linode). DreamHost is a huge player in the low-budget shared-hosting space, and it's really cool to see tem supporting Django along with Rails. A couple years ago CGI and PHP were the only real options in that world. On the other hand, DH's Python is still at version 2.4.4 so this is not all roses. But two steps forward one step back is still a step forward.
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