Recently I stumbled across NewsBruiser, which runs Leonard Richardson's and a bunch of his friends' blogs. It's got this pleasing low-tech homebrew feel to it. I've been programming web applications for 10 years now. While my specialty is the back-end I can crank out a passable user ...
Articles by gjost
Getting Dojo's dijit.Editor to work in a form
dijit.Editor is one of those so-close-yet-so-far things. It gives users a way to enter fancy formatted text without having to learn HTML, and is part of the Dojo Toolkit, which is supposed to make Javascript easier to work with. But it was a real PITA to get Editor working ...
good ol' days new again?
I've been poking around some old web sites, stuff from back in the late 90s. Web design back then was a lot simpler but also more idiosyncratic. You had to hand-code stuff back then, and everybody had their own way of organizing their site (or failing to). Navbars were ...
Good-bye Dojo, jQuery is my new Javascript framework
Got my EeePC!!!
Went ahead, took the plunge, and got a black Asus EeePC 701 yesterday as an early Christmas present from Una (THANKS!!!).
I bought it online at PC Club and picked it up at the nearest store. My experience went something like this...
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PC Club guy: Welcome to PC Club ...
Happy New Year!
Hey everyone, I hope all of you have a really blessed 2008.
We've all got a lot of challenges in store for us this year, individually and collectively as a city, state, country, and planet. Let's each do our best to make this world a better place for ...
Hisashiburi ya nen
Gosh it's been a long time since I posted anything. What's the point in having a blog if you're never gonna post anything? For me, it's as much about tinkering with the software as it is about the posting, but I haven't even done much ...
House Judiciary Committee's WikiLeaks hearing
The House Judiciary Committee is currently holding a hearing to explore legal attacks on WikiLeaks. I have a very bad feeling about what this might mean for the state of the First Ammendment in the U.S. EFF is tweeting the hearing. Gonna be hard to concentrate on my work ...
International Workers' Day
So today is International Workers' Day. Workers of the world... I don't know. It would be nice to do something that helped common folk at least earn a living wage... <!-- SUMMARY_END -->
International Workers' Day
Today the President proclaimed that May 1st is "Loyalty Day". I'm sorry Mr. President, but for me May 1st will remain International Workers' Day. With July 4, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Constitution Day, and several others we already have enough patriotism-themed holidays. We working people of the world (i ...